How to build trust quickly

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In some leadership teams I coach, I encounter the idea that trust is earned not given. And while I agree that trust takes time to build and develops gradually, time often is not a luxury teams – especially cross-functional ones – have.

There are many studies that show team trust improves communication, cooperation, and overall performance: high-trust teams are 50% more productive and even have more fun!


Enter the concept of “swift trust”. Developed by Deborah Myerson and her team, swift trust is acting as if trust is already present. Basically it is about substituting your mindset of  “trust is earned” with “trust first, verify later”.

Start by assuming positive intent. With the belief that everyone is trustworthy and has the team’s best interest at heart. Assume that everyone is reliable. That everyone sitting at the table is there because they deserve to be at that table. And then trust until there’s a valid reason not to.

Swift trust is not about blind faith. It is about building a mindset and an atmosphere that encourages positivity and a collaborative atmosphere from the start.

❓ Knowing that trust is at the heart of success, has there been a time you missed out by distrusting people? And what is ONE thing you can do today to continue to build trust with your team?